Slank entertains facebooker fans at anti-graft rally

Slank closed the rally with its popular song KPK di Dadaku (KPK in my heart), and at the end of the performance, lead singer Kaka shouted to the crowd: "Root out corruption."

KPK is the acronym for the Corruption Eradication Commission.

The thousands of people joining the rally came from two main groups: the Love Indonesia and Love KPK (CICAK) and the one million Facebook users supporting KPK deputy chiefs Chandra M. Hamzah and Bibit Samad Rianto.

"Cicak vs Buaya" (house lizard versus crocodile) is a popular expression initially used by then National Police chief detective Susno Duadji to describe the fight between the KPK and the National Police.

Sukma, 39, one of the Facebook users joining the rally, said that he came to the rally to give his personal support to Chandra and Bibit. The police have named the two suspects in a bribery case, which many see as a police effort to criminalize the KPK.

Sukma called on the police to free them from the charges, which he said were not based on solid evidence.

"I'm so annoyed by this (the naming of Chandra and Bibit as suspects). It's so clear to me, but it's still being covered up. Hope this is resolved soon," Sukma told

Former KPK deputy chairman Erry Riyana Hardjapamekas spoke at the rally. "This is a solidarity action. We have no other intention but to support corruption eradication efforts."

After about four hours, the thousands of demonstrators dispersed peacefully.


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